Sunday, October 23, 2011

When God Showed Me I Was a Pharisee

Santa Barbara is known for its affluence. But right alongside the wealthy, there are countless families living in poverty, and of course, many homeless. During college, on special occasions, we would gather our friends, pile in cars, and head downtown for dinner. On our way, we would pass countless homeless people asking for help. I always saved some of my dinner to give to them, and my friends would comment on how good a person I was. So there I was, for the first year of my life with Jesus, being proud of the way I gave to the needy.

Downtown Santa Barbara

Then, one day, God laid something on me that changed my life. He showed me that if Jesus were here, walking on this earth, He would not be with me (read: Pharisee) and my friends eating at an expensive restaurant. He would be just outside the restaurant, sitting with the homeless man on the curb. And if Jesus were there, I would be there too! I would run to be where He was. I wouldn't offer him my leftovers, I would invite him into my home and cook him a feast!

The thing is, that IS where He is. So then and there, I decided that’s where I would be too. A few days after this, I was walking to meet some friends at an ice cream shop downtown. I was about to cross the street, I could SEE them eating and laughing, but as I looked down I saw a group of homeless people next to me. I went through a short inner battle, then dropped and sat with the homeless. We talked and laughed until most of my friends were gone from across the street. But when I looked over at my friends, it wasn’t with envy or sadness. Instead, I was flooded with unspeakable, boundless joy, knowing I was where Jesus was, knowing He has called me out of comfort, and knowing that I am blessed to be able to sacrifice anything at all for Him who sacrificed everything for us.

This is why I don’t understand when people ask me why I have homeless people living with me. This is where Jesus is! He says “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Who among us wouldn’t offer our house to the King of Kings? Why WOULDN’T we invite the homeless to live with us?

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